ThomasLiao Blog

「time flies」

Understanding the linux kernel!

“When you bow deeply to the universe, it bows back; when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you.” ―Morihei Ueshiba Description 这个是对«Understanding the linux kernel»的读书笔记,记录下了要点.持续更新 Ch...

Java polymorphism and class modifier!

“When you bow deeply to the universe, it bows back; when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you.” ―Morihei Ueshiba Description 介绍Java Basic的多态性: override是重写,指的是子类集成父类重新写父类已有的方法,方法名称...

Java 8 new features!

This is a post introducing the new Features of Java8. Why we need JDK? Why do we need JDK when we are already using Android SDK? After all, we are not developing for JVM. The Android build proces...

Java History Introduction!

This is a short article introducing the naming history about Java. Description 本文介绍Java的历史版本名称 Introduction Java Creator James Gosling What is Java:high-level programming language ...

Linux commands

commands command description description2 . 代表此层目录   .. 代表上一层目录   - 代表前一个工作目录  ...

React Native环境搭建!

React Native预言

React Native 安装好SDK和NDK 安装好SDK和NDK 安装node.js 安装nrm模块 为了方便切换npm源,需要先安装nrm模块 cmd: npm install –g nrm ​ 切换npm源 为了方便切换npm源,切换npm源到taobao—比较快...